To further extend the shelf life of cooked chicken soup freeze it. To maximize the shelf life of cooked chicken soup for safety and quality refrigerate the chicken soup promptly in covered airtight containers. How Long Does Soup Last In The Fridge Secrets Will Be Revealed Cooking Soup Soup Soup Store To maximize the shelf life of cooked vegetable soup for safety and quality refrigerate the vegetable soup promptly in covered airtight containers. . To prevent the creamy soup from moving by mixing it well when the frozen soup is reheated. Thawed and reheated tomato soup can be safely kept in the fridge for an additional 3-4 days only. Freeze in covered airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags. And since here we are talking about chicken soup chicken soup usually lasts somewhere between 3 to 5 days in your fridge. Chicken soup lasts for 3 to 4 days in the fridge. This goes for grated cotija as well. How ...